St. Paul’s Ev. Lutheran Congregation
Everyone Engaging The Entire Community For Christ
Weekly Schedule
Sundays - Immanuel
8:00 AM - Worship
Sundays - St. Paul's
9:30 AM -Children’s Sunday School & Adult
Bible Class
10:30 AM - Worship
Monday - St. Paul's
10:00 AM -Men’s Bible Study (School)
Thursdays- St. Paul's
7:00 PM -Women’s Bible Study (school)
Visiting? Here’s What To Expect
An adult weekly Bible Study begins at 9:30 am until 10:15 am, in the school building parlor. Enjoy fellowship, donuts, coffee, and an interactive, conversational walk through the Scriptures.
At 10:30am we gather in the sanctuary for worship. If you are visiting, please do not feel pressured to give an offering. If you wish to participate in communion, we do ask that you please speak with the Pastor or an Elder prior to the beginning of service.
Dressing up for church has tradionally been considered a sign of respect for God. God loves everyone and welcomes everyone, regardless of how one is dressed. We are happy when people come and participate in our worship service. You will see people dressed in a wide variety of ways. The most common attire you may see is often referred to as business casual.